Thursday, December 11, 2014

Three Things You Should Know About Medicine and Health...This Week

New Research Leads to Potentially Improved Lives 
By: Mia P.

1.) Malaria Illness In Children Decreased

 A new study in the west African nation of Gambia, reported that spraying insecticide on the walls of childrens' bedrooms won't reduce the risk of the disease but rather the use of nets only.  Malaria is a mosquito-borne disease that includes the symptoms of headaches, vomiting, fever, seizures, coma and even death.  The parasites travel through the blood stream to the liver where they mature and reproduce.  It is a serious problem in Africa and there is extensive research being done for it.

The researchers tested 8,000 children with insecticide DDT while 8,000 additional children were tested with nets as their source of protection and prevention.  At the end of the two years it was discovered the nets were the most effective way to decrease malaria as the insecticide didn't help at all. 

In 2012, there were 207 million cases of malaria with 627,000 deaths, mostly among African children. 

2.) New Secret for Diabetes Prevention

It has been enforced that people with diabetes should stick to only choosing low or non-dairy food products.  Recently this has been proven wrong, stating that some of the fats found in dairy products are actually beneficial to those patients.  For example, probiotics found in yogurt can help to regulate how well the insulin is excreted from the pancreas.

This miraculous discovery has opened up the doors for new options and flavors for people with diabetes.  The dairy not only will taste delicious but can also help reduce the risk of developing a more critical form.   It can also reduce the changes of people without diabetes from ever getting it.

Bon appetit!

3.) Why You Shouldn't Take This Painkiller If You're In Pain

Tramadol is a narcotic-like pain reliever that is used to treat moderate pain.  It was looked upon as a good option considering it had low addiction rates unlike oxycodone and morphine.  A recent study has proved that tramadol is linked to causing a low blood sugar.  Tramadol disrupts the functioning of two chemicals in the body, serotonin and norepinephrine.  The low blood sugar count is especially dangerous for diabetes patients who are already drastically low in number.

In several of the observed causes, the low blood sugar, or hypoglycemia, proved fatal.  A direct relationship between the drug and death is still being searched for.the information acquired at the time has caused doctors and patients to be hesitant of prescription and usage of the drug as more and more are being informed on its affects to the body. 

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